Sonntag, 1. Januar 2012


Minister Yossi Peled, a Holocaust survivor, could not believe his eyes when he saw the pictures from the ultra-Orthodox protest in Jerusalem's Mea Shearim neighborhood on Saturday night.
"I admit that some things are inconceivable, like taking the horrifying picture of the little boy facing the Nazis with his hands up. Regardless of whether the struggle is justified or not, this points to something insane, irrational, immoral," he told Ynet on Sunday morning ...
Saturday's demonstration was organized by an extreme faction in Mea Shearim in protest of what has been defined as "the exclusion of haredim" and the start of the jail term of an ultra-Orthodox man convicted of assaulting an electronics store salesman.
Mordechai Hirsch, one of the leaders of the extreme Neturei Karta faction (and the son of Rabbi Moshe Hirsch, who served as minister in the Palestinian government), said his nephews, who are not even 10 years old, took part in the protest wearing a yellow patch.

"Verkleidet als Häftlinge eines Konzentrationslagers haben ultraorthodoxe Juden in Israel demonstriert."

Neturei Karta (aramäisch נטורי קרתא, dt. „Wächter der Stadt“ [sc. Jerusalem]) ist eine 1935 entstandene ultraorthodoxe jüdische Gruppierung, die aus religiösen Gründen den Zionismus und den Staat Israel vehement ablehnt ...
Die Position von Neturei Karta führt zu starker Polarisierung: sie wird von vielen anderen orthodoxen wie auch nicht-orthodoxen Juden abgelehnt; in der moslemischen Welt hingegen findet sie viele Fürsprecher."
